G.A. Serlachius Oy

Not for sale

Tuotetunnus (SKU): 435


Mänttä 31.12.1983 1 B share(s) 100 FIM restricted

G.A. Serlachius Ltd was established in 1868 by chemist Gustav Adolf Serlachius. The original mill was located in Mänttä but the company broadened its operations into other localities, too. As a whole, the family of Serlachius has been in very fundamental position in the industrial development of Finland.

In 1986 the company decided to unite with Metsäliiton Teollisuus Oy and construct a new constitutional player in the forest industry. The new company started on the 1st Jan 1987 and it was named to Metsä-Serla Ltd. Metsä-Serla is still active and known as Metsä Group Ltd.

The share of Serlachius was listed in the Helsinki Stock Exchange from 1942 to 1986. The successor of the company is Metsä Group Ltd, which is still listed.

Nature of business: Forest industry, wood products, pulp, paper, board, tissue.

The family of Serlachius has also esteemed art and culture very highly. Their art collection can be seen in the Serlachius Museums in Mänttä. Museums have become popular visiting objects among friends of art world widely.

Read more:
Metsä Group in Wikipedia »
Homepage of the Serlachius Museums »

Auction results: 9.9.2012  33  EUR

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G.A. Serlachius Oy

Not for sale

Tuotetunnus (SKU): 435


Mänttä 31.12.1983 1 B osake(tta) 100 FIM sidottu

Apteekkari G. A. Serlachiuksen vuonna 1868 perustama metsäyhtiö. Pörssinoteerattuna vuosina 1920-1922, 1927 ja 1942-1986. Sulautui vuonna 1986 Metsäliiton Teollisuus Oy:n kanssa Metsä-Serla Oy:ksi, jonka nykyinen nimi on Metsä Board Oyj ja osake noteerataan pörssissä.

Huutokauppatuloksia: 9.9.2012  33  EUR